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The Optimum Health Clinic
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Our signature training for nutrition professionals to accelerate their clinical knowledge of fatigue-related illness.

Therapeutic Nutrition Consultation
What is Therapeutic Nutrition?

Personalised, integrative, and evidence-based methodology which is clinically tested with real world clients in 50+ countries.


Each individual with fatigue is a unique case, and effective intervention needs to not just recognise this, but ultimately be guided by it


Complex conditions require approaches with an intricate framework which draws from the best of all disciplines


Our approach is not only heavily informed by research, we also contribute towards it with publications in journals such as British Medical Journal Open and Medical Hypotheses

Nutritional Therapy

At the heart of our model is a nutritional therapy approach which integrates the best of food, biomedical testing, and carefully chosen supplement interventions

Psychology Tools

Working closely alongside our sister training in Therapeutic Coaching, practitioners are trained to understand and integrate key mind-body elements into their protocols

Clinically Proven

Our approach has been tried and tested with over 10,000 clients at our sister clinic The Optimum Health Clinic since 2004

Psychology Tools
Nutritional Therapy
Evidence Based
Clinically Proven

Created by Experts,
Trusted by Thousands

The Optimum Health Clinic

Therapeutic Nutrition was created by the pioneering team at OHC, who have specialised in working with the fatigue community since 2004. Over 10,000 clients have been supported in 50+ countries.

A Landmark Study

In 2012, a landmark study was published in the British Medical Journal Open which demonstrated statistically significant improvement with the OHC approach, and a subsequent randomised controlled trial proposal was recently granted NHS ethics approval.

clients globally
years of collective experience

How To Enrol?

Start With Watching a Free Webinar Video

In this video, you will learn the key principles of Therapeutic Nutrition. You will also be introduced to one element of the model, The 3 Stages of Recovery in Fatigue Recovery, which will teach you how to sequence interventions to match the stage of health that your client is at.

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The Team Behind Therapeutic Nutrition

Kirsty Cullen

Chief Executive The Optimum Health Clinic

Kirsty became CEO of OHC in 2020 after a decade of working within various departments within the organisation, including formerly as Director of Nutrition.  Previously having worked in executive recruitment for 10 years, her interest in nutrition began as a consequence of health issues experienced by her own daughter, and her own mother's struggles with M.E/CFS.

Following her graduation in Nutritional Therapy, Kirsty embraced a number of different and exciting career opportunities through the establishment of her own nutrition clinic, which saw her undertake a number of nutrition roles within the professional sports arena. This included working as a Nutritional Therapist at St George’s Park National Football Centre and also for the League Managers Association, assessing and advising football managers and elite athletes on health, energy provision and injury recovery. Kirsty also worked as Lead Nutritional Therapist at Derby County Football Club, establishing an umbrella nutrition strategy for the club, in addition to providing one-to-one nutrition plans for all players.

Alex Howard

Founder & Chairman The Optimum Health Clinic

Alex Howard is Founder & Chairman of OHC, one of the world’s leading integrative medicine clinics specialising in fatigue.  With a team of 25 full time practitioners supporting thousands of patients in 50+ countries, the OHC team have pioneered working with patients remotely since 2004.

Alex has published academic research in publications such as the British Medical Journal Open and Psychology and Health, and is the author of Why Me?: My Journey from ME to Health and Happiness and Decode Your Fatigue: A clinically proven 12-step plan to increase your energy, heal your body and transform your life.

Alex is creator of the Therapeutic Coaching methodology, and since March 2020, has been documenting his therapeutic work with real life patients via his In Therapy with Alex Howard YouTube series.  In the last few years, Alex has created some of the largest online conferences in the health and mind–body markets; including the Fatigue Super Conference and the Trauma Super Conference. Alex’s online conferences have been attended by over half a million people.  

Claire Sehinson

Head of Research & Training The Optimum Health Clinc

Claire is Head of Research, Training and Development for the Nutrition team at OHC, and has been a member of the clinical team for 7 years. Having recovered fully from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromyalgia and complex illness, Claire has a wealth of personal experience and professional expertise.  She has completed an MSc in Personalised Nutrition, AFMCP (Functional medicine in practice) and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) practitioner training.

Claire has lectured in Biomedicine, Chronic Fatigue syndrome and continues to teach in higher education.  She has contributed to publications including a chapter for Case Studies in Personalised Nutrition (a textbook for health practitioners and students) and Clinical Experiences with Long-COVID In IHCAN magazine.  Claire has a passion for demystifying illness for her clients, and is excited to bring the immense clinical experience in the OHC to a larger practitioner audience.

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